The best way to book an appointment is to call us at 905-832-2964. If we are closed or don't answer, please leave a message with your full name, telephone number and areas you want sugared.

We check and respond to messages everyday between 10am - 8pm, even when we're closed (except Sundays and holidays).

Please note: Please allow 24-48hrs for email responses.

If your request is of a more urgent nature, please call at 905-832-2964

​​Book An Appointment 

Closed Sundays & Mondays and all major holidays.

Send Us A Message 

Sugar Blossom, Sugar Blossom Salon and/or Sugar Blossom Natural Hair Removal Salon is owned and operated by 10689556 Canada Inc. Content copyright 2009 - 2024. 10689556 Canada Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Sugar Blossom -Natural Hair Removal Salon

9222 Keele St Unit 17 Vaughan ON L4K 5A3



Tues - Wed: 10am - 6pm

Thurs: 12pm - 8pm

Fri: 10am - 8pm

Sat: 9am - 5pm

Location & Hours